Real Property Management Allegiance

Composting Basics for Renters

As a renter, you probably did not take into consideration composting your kitchen scraps. Yes, after all, composting isn’t a possibility unless you have a greater garden. Right?

The actuality is that even if you don’t have plenty of space, there are still critical reasons to compost your kitchen scraps. What’s more, it’s easy and hassle-free for renters to compost, even without a huge yard or garden! Compost is great for all kinds of uses and can help you live a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

This guide extends the basics of composting, also what it is, why people do it, and the strategies you need to take to make a really good start.

What is composting?

In the most general terms, composting is the process of breaking down organic materials into a rich soil amendment. This “amendment” can then be used to greatly enhance the quality of your garden soil, help your plants grow, and act as a natural fertilizer.

When you compost, you’re substantially replicating nature’s process of breaking down organic matter. By doing so, you’re generating a product that is good for the environment and greatly useful for plenty of green, growing things!

Why compost?

There are a lot of considerations to composting, although one of the most significant is that it allows for bringing down the amount of waste that goes into landfills. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, food waste and yard trimmings make up more than 20 percent of what is conveyed to landfills year by year, and these materials can take years to break down.

Another major reason to compost is that it aids to improve the quality of your garden soil. Compost enriches the soil with nutrients that plants ask for to grow, and it truly helps improve the soil’s structure, making it better able to retain water and resist pests and diseases.

What can be composted?

Roughly any variety of organic matter can be composted, including food scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, yard trimmings, and even paper towels and cardboard. You can even compost pet hair and used kitty litter. (For a complete list of what can and cannot be composted, review this helpful guide from the EPA.)

How do I start composting?

Quite a lot of Key West renters don’t understand they can compost their food waste at home. By composting, you can taper down your garbage output and greatly help the environment. Here are various guides to get going:

Composting is one of the best approaches to reduce your environmental impact, save stress on your garbage disposal, and save money on fertilizer and potting soil. By following these tips, you can commence composting today!


Are you going after a new rental home – most likely one with a vast yard or garden? If so, take a look at our listings online to choose your next home.